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ref: introduction marine engineering

Fire fighting equipment

Portable extinguishers

There are four principal types of portable extinguisher usually found on board ship. These are the soda-acid, foam, dry powder and carbon dioxide extinguishers.

Soda-acid extinguisher 
The container of this extinguisher holds a sodium bicarbonate solution. The screw-on cap contains a plunger mechanism covered by a safety
guard.  When the plunger is struck the glass phial is broken and the acid and sodium bicarbonate mix. The resulting chemical reaction produces carbon dioxide gas which pressurises the space above the liquid forcing it out through the internal pipe to the nozzle. This extinguisher is used for Class A fires and will be found in
accommodation areas.

Foam extinguisher—chemical

The main container is filled with sodium bicarbonate solution and a long inner polythene container is filled with aluminium sulphate . The inner container is sealed by a cap held in place by a plunger. When the plunger is unlocked by turning it, the cap is released.The extinguisher is then inverted for the two liquids to mix. Carbon
dioxide is produced by the reaction which pressurises the container andforces out the foam.

Foam extinguisher—mechanical

The outer container in this case is filled with water. The central container holds a carbon dioxide charge and a foam solution . A plunger mechanism with a safety guard is located above the central container. When the plunger is depressed the carbon dioxide is released and the foam solution and water mix. They are then forced out through a special nozzle which creates the mechanical foam. This extinguisher has an internal pipe and is operated upright. Foam extinguishers are used on Class B fires and will be located in the vicinity of flammable liquids.
A very strong container is used to store liquid carbon dioxide under pressure . A central tube provides the outlet passage for the carbon dioxide which is released either by a plunger bursting a disc or a valve operated by a trigger. The liquid changes to a gas as it leaves the extinguisher and passes through a swivel pipe or hose to a discharge horn. Carbon dioxide extinguishers are mainly used on Class B and C fires and will be found in the machinery space, particularly near electrical equipment. The carbon dioxide extinguisher is not permitted in the accommodation since, in a confined space, it could be lethal.

Dry powder extinguishers

The outer container contains sodium bicarbonate powder. A capsule of carbon dioxide gas is located beneath a plunger mechanism in the central cap. On depressing the plunger the carbon dioxide gas forces the powder up a discharge tube and out of the discharge nozzle. The dry powder extinguisher can be used on all classes of fire but it has no cooling effect. It is usually located near electrical equipment in the machinery space and elsewhere on the ship.

Maintenance and testing

All portable extinguishers are pressure vessels and must therefore be regularly checked. The soda-acid and foam extinguisher containers are initially tested to 25 bar for five minutes and thereafter at four-yearly intervals to 20 bar.
The carbon dioxide extinguisher is tested to 207 bar initially every 10 years and after two such tests, every five years. The dry powder extinguisher is tested to 35 bar once every four years. Most extinguishers should be tested by discharge over a period of one to five years, depending on the extinguisher type, e.g. soda-acid and dry powder types 20% discharged'per year, foam types 50% discharged per year. Carbon dioxide extinguishers should be weighed every six months to check' for leakage. Where practicable the operating mechanisms of portable extinguishers should be examined every three months. Any plunger should be checked for free movement, vent holes should be clear and cap threads lightly greased. Most extinguishers with screw-on caps have a number of holes in the threaded region. These are provided to release pressure before the cap is taken off: they should be checked to be clear.
ref: Introduction Marine Engineering


The use of fire detectors is increasing, particularly with the tendency to reduced manning and unmanned machinery spaces. A fire, if detected quickly, can be fought and brought under control with a minimum of
damage. The main function of a fire detector is therefore to detect a fire as quickly as possible; it must also be reliable and require a minimum of attention. An important requirement is that it is not set off by any of the
normal occurrences in the protected space, that is it must be appropriately sensitive to its surroundings. Three phenomena associated with fire are used to provide alarms: these are smoke, flames and heat, The smoke detector makes use of two ionisation chambers, one open to the atmosphere and one closed (Figure 13.1). The fine particles or aerosols given off by a fire alter the resistance in the open ionisation chamber, resulting in the operation of a cold cathode gas-filled valve. The alarm sounds on the operation of the valve to give warning of a fire. Smoke detectors are used in machinery spaces, accommodation areas and cargo holds.
Flames, as opposed to smoke, are often the main result of gas and liquid fires and flame detectors are used to protect against such hazards. Flames give off ultra-violet and infra-red radiation and detectors are available to respond to either.Flame detectors are used near to fuel handling equipment in the machinery spaces and also at boiler fronts.

Smoke Detector
Ref: Introduction marine engineering

Fire is a constant hazard at sea. It results in more total losses of ships than any other form of casualty. Almost all fires are the result of negligence or carelessness. Combustion occurs when the gases or vapours given off by a substance are ignited: it is the gas given off that burns, not the substance. The temperature of the substance at which it gives off enough gas to continue burning is known as the 'flash point'.

Fire is the result of a combination of three factors:
1. A substance that will burn.
2. An ignition source.
3. A supply of oxygen, usually from the air.

These three factors are often considered as the sides of the fire triangle. Removing any one or more of these sides will break the triangle and result in the fire being put out. The complete absence of one of the three
will ensure that a fire never starts. Fires are classified according to the types of material which are acting
as fuel. These classifications are also used for extinguishers and it is essential to use the correct classification of extinguisher for a fire, to avoid spreading the fire or creating additional hazards. The classifications use the letters A, B, C, D and E.
Class A Fires burning wood, glass fibre, upholstery and furnishings.
Class B Fires burning liquids such as lubricating oil and fuels.
Class C Fires burning gas fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas.
Class D Fires burning combustible metals such as magnesium and aluminium.
Class E Fires burning any of the above materials together with high voltage electricity.
Many fire extinguishers will have multiple classifications such as A, Band C.

Fire fighting at sea may be considered in three distinct stages, detection—locating the fire; alarm—informing the rest of the ship; and control—bringing to bear the means of extinguishing the fire.
Ref : Introduction marine engineering

Engine cooling process of engine divide into:
  1. Fresh water cooling system
  2. Sea water cooling system
Cooling of engines is achieved by circulating a cooling liquid around internal passages within the engine. The cooling liquid is thus heated up and is in turn cooled by a sea water circulated cooler. Without adequate
cooling certain parts of the engine which are exposed to very high temperatures, as a result of burning fuel, would soon fail. Cooling enables the engine metals to retain their mechanical properties. The usual coolant used is fresh water: sea water is not used directly as a coolant because of its corrosive action. Lubricating oil is sometimes used for piston cooling since leaks into the crankcase would not cause problems. As a result of its lower specific heat however about twice the quantity of oil compared to water would be required.

Fresh water cooling system

A water cooling system for a slow-speed diesei engine is shown in Figure 2.18. It is divided into two separate systems: one for cooling the cylinder jackets, cylinder heads and turbo-blowers; the other for piston cooling.

The cylinder jacket cooling water after leaving the engine passes to a sea-water-circulated cooler and then into the jacket-water circulating pumps. It is then pumped around the cylinder jackets, cylinder heads
and turbo-blowers. A header tank allows for  expansion and water make-up in the system. Vents are led from the engine to the header tank for the release of air from the cooling water. A heater in the circuit facilitates warming of the engine prior to starting by circulating hot water. The piston cooling system employs similar components, except that a
drain tank is used instead of a header tank and the vents are then led to high points in the machinery space. A separate piston cooling system is used to limit any contamination from piston cooling glands to the piston cooling system only.

Sea water cooling system

The various cooling liquids which circulate the engine are themselves cooled by sea water. The usual arrangement uses individual coolers for lubricating oil, jacket water, and the piston cooling system, each cooler being circulated by sea water. Some modern ships use what is known as a 'central cooling system' with only one large sea-water-circulated cooler. This cools a supply of fresh water, which then circulates to the32 other Individual coolers. With less equipment in contact with sea water the corrosion problems are much reduced in this system. A sea water cooling system is shown in Figure 2.19. From the sea suction one of a pair of sea-water circulating pumps provides sea water which circulates the lubricating oil cooler, the jacket water cooler and the piston water cooler before discharging overboard. Another branch of the sea water main provides sea water to directly cool the charge air (for a direct-drive two-stroke diesel). One arrangement of a central cooling system is shown in Figure 2.20. The sea water circuit is made up of high and low suctions, usually on either side of the machinery space, suction strainers and several sea water pumps. The sea water is circulated through the central coolers and then discharged overboard. A low-temperature and high-temperature circuit exist in the fresh water system. The fresh water in the high-temperature circuit circulates the main engine and may, if required, be used as a heating medium for an evaporator. The
low-temperature circuit circulates the main engine air coolers, the lubricating oil coolers and all other heat exchangers. A regulating valve controls the mixing of water between the high-temperature and
low-temperature circuits. A temperature sensor provides a signal to the control unit which operates the regulating valve to maintain the desired temperature setting. A temperature sensor is also used in a similar
control circuit to operate the regulating valve which controls the bypassing of the central coolers. It is also possible, with appropriate control equipment, to vary the quantity of sea water circulated by the pumps to almost precisely meet the cooler requirements.

The fuel oil system for a diesel engine can be considered in two parts—the fuel supply and the fuel injection systems. Fuel supply deals with the provision of fuel oil suitable for use by the injection system.

Fuel oil supply for a two-stroke diesel

A slow-speed two-stroke diesel is usually arranged to operate continuously on heavy fuel and have available a diesel oil supply for manoeuvring conditions. In the system shown in Figure 2.11, the oil is stored in tanks in the double bottom from which it is pumped to a settling tank and heated. After passing through centrifuges the cleaned, heated oil is pumped to a daily service tank. From the daily service tank the oil flows through a three-way valve to a mixing tank. A flow meter is fitted into the system to indicate fuel consumption. Booster pumps are used to pump the oil through heaters and a viscosity regulator to the engine-driven fuel
pumps. The fuel pumps will discharge high-pressure fuel to their respective injectors. The viscosity regulator controls the fuel oil temperature in order to provide the correct viscosity for combustion. A pressure regulating valve ensures a constant-pressure supply to the engine-driven pumps, and a pre-warming bypass is used to heat up the fuel before starting the engine. A diesel oil daily service tank may be installed and is connected
to the system via a three-way valve. The engine can be started up and manoeuvred on diesel oil or even a blend of diesel and heavy fuel oil. The mixing tank is used to collect recirculated oil and also acts as a
buffer or reserve tank as it will supply fuel when the daily service tank is empty. The system includes various safety devices such as low-level alarms and remotely operated tank outlet valves which can be closed in the
event of a fire.

The main difference between the two cycles is the power developed. The
two-stroke cycle engine, with one working or power stroke every
revolution, will, theoretically, develop twice the power of a four-stroke
engine of the same swept volume. Inefficient scavenging however and
other losses, reduce the power advantage to about 1.8. For a particular
engine power the two-stroke engine will be considerably lighter—an
important consideration for ships. Nor does the two-stroke engine
require the complicated valve operating mechanism of the four-stroke.
The four-stroke engine however can operate efficiently at high speeds
which offsets its power disadvantage; it also consumes less lubricating

Each type of engine has its applications which on board ship have
resulted in the slow speed (i.e. 80— 100 rev/min) main propulsion diesel
operating on the two-stroke cycle. At this low speed the engine requires
no reduction gearbox between it and the propeller. The four-stroke
engine (usually rotating at medium speed, between 250 and 750 rev/
min) is used for auxiliaries such as alternators and sometimes for main
propulsion with a gearbox to provide a propeller speed of between 80
and 100 rev/min.

Reference : Introduction marine engineering

3 Langkah Tampil Cantik Di
Segala Usia

Setiap fase usia punya keistimewaan tersendiri. Tentunya… sebagai kaum wanita ingin selalu tampil cantik dan menawan berapapun usianya. Untuk mendapatkan kecantikan abadi tersebut, harus dilakukan perawat secara
tepat. Karena itu, lakukan perawatan yang sesuai untuk setiap tahapan usia.

Puncak perkembangan kulit terjadi di usia 20 – an. Pada masa ini, semua komponen kulit seperti epiderma, kolagen, elastin dan pembuluh darah berkembang secara maksimal. Sehingga tekstur kulit terlihat berwarna
kemerahan segar. Masalah utama yang menghantui pada masa ini, biasanya hanya seputar kulit
berminyak dan berjerawat yang disebabkan oleh faktor hormonal atau perawatan yang kurang tepat. Selain kedua hal itu hampir tidak ada problem yang patut dicemaskan.

Perawatan Harian
 Lakukan perawatan ringan dan teratur setiap hari, selalu
membersihkan wajah dengan pembersih sebelum tidur. Agar
wajah bisa “bernapas” dengan nyaman. Pilih pembersih dan
penyegar yang tepat, sesuai dengan kondisi kulit (berminyak,
kering, sensitive, normal ataupun kombinasi). Karena tiap kulit
yang berbeda, memerlukan perawatn yang berbeda pula.
Oleskan setiap malam eye gel sebelum tidur.
 Gunakan pelembap yang mengandung SPF, minimal 15 atau
lebih terutama jika Anda termasuk wanita aktif yang sering
berada di luar ruangan dalam waktu lama. Oleskan 15-20 menit
sebelum ke luar ruangan, agar meresap sempurna.
 Masukkan juga buah – buahan, sayur mayur dan air putih dalam
menu makan Anda. Kanduangan serat serta vitamin dalam buah dan sayur membantu proses regenerasi kulit secara alami, sementara air putih mampu mempercepat pengeluaran racun dan lemak tak berguna
dalam tubuh yang menjadi penyebab jerawat.

Perawatan Mingguan
Melakukan facial, peeling, dan pakai masker secara berkala merupakan perawatan tambahan yang dapat dilakukan sebagai tindakan pencegahan penuaan dini.
 Lakukan facial dengan teknik pemijatan secara tepat, karena
apabila salah pijat, bisa memicu timbulnya kerutan di wajah.
Anda pun bisa melakukannya sendiri, asalkan Anda tahu
 Selain facial, lakukan juga peeling. Peeling berfungsi untuk
mengangkat sel kulit mati. Berapa sering Anda melakukan
peeling? Hal tersebut tergantung bagaimana kondisi kulit Anda.
Untuk kulit kering dan sensitif antara 7 - 14 hari sekali, kulit
normal 5 hari sekali dan kulit berminyak 3 - 5 hari sekali.
Pastikan tidak ada luka atau infeksi pada wajah saat melakukan
pengelupasan dan jangan melakukan peeling terlalu sering agar
kulit memiliki kesempatan regenerasi.
 Maker berfungsi untuk menyegarkan kulit dan
mempercantiknya. Banyak pilihan masker yang bisa Anda pakai.
Baik yang keluaran pabrik atau keluaran dapur Anda, membuat
sendiri maksudnya  lebih murah, mudah, dan yang pasti aman. Yang penting adalah memperhatikan manfaat dan kandungan bahan pembuatnya.

Make Up
Pemilihan kosmetik pada usia ini dapat lebih bervariasi, berbagai
warna riasan dapat dicoba. Anda bisa mencoba berbagai macam warna
dan gaya make-up untuk meng-xplor kecantikan. Mumpung masih
muda 
Jika tidak diperlukan hindari penggunaan foundation dan concealer
terlalu sering. Jika memang diperlukan, gunakan yang berbahan dasar air (water based), agar terasa lebih ringan. Penggunaan foundation
menyebabkan pori–pori tersumbat, dan kalo pori-pori tersumbat akan
menimbulkan komedo dan jerawat. Sebagai alternatif, cukup oleskan
pelembap ringan dan bedak tabur (ditekan-tekan dengan mengunakan
puff). Pilih warna–warna transparan untuk bedaknya, agar wajah
terlihat lebih segar dan bersinar.

Mulai usia 30, tanda–tanda penuaan sudah mulai terjadi. Proses
pengelupasan kulit mati mulai melambat, kolagen dan elastin berkurang dan
mulai terlihat kantong mata. Selain itu warna kulit mulai tidak merata, kulit
terasa lebih kering serta timbul garis–garis halus pada ujung mata dan bibir,
Ini dikarenakan penyebab utamanya adalah perubahan hormon.
Memasuki usia ini, Anda harus lebih selektif dalam memilih produk perawatan
dan riasan wajah. Lakukanlah semua perawatan harian yang telah Anda jalani
dengan lebih intensif lagi. Ganti produk ringan yang biasa Anda pakai, dengan
jenis yang mempunyai kekuatan lebih yang berguna untuk menghindari
penuaan dini.
Perawatan Harian
 Jangan lupa selalu membersihkan wajah setelah beraktifitas dan
sebelum tidur. Pilih penyegar yang tidak mengandung alcohol.
Karena alcohol akan membuat kulit semakin kering dan kulit
kering mempercepat timbulnya keriput.
 Gunakan pelembap yang berbeda untuk siang dan malam secara
teratur (pelembap siang yang mengandung tabir surya dan
pelembap malam yang mengandung anti–aging untuk
membantu regenerasi kulit di malam hari).
 Oleskan krim mata untuk melembapkan daerah kantong mata
agar tidak gampang berkerut atau kendur.Perawatan Mingguan
 Lakukan perawat mingguan seperti pada usia 20-an. Yaitu facial,
peeling dan masker. Yang membedakan hanyalah pemilihan
bahan yang digunakan untuk peeling dan maskernya. Peeling
untuk menipiskan noda-noda kecoklatan akibat rusaknya
melanin karena sinar UV dan masker agar regenerasi kulit
berlangsung optimal atau gunakan masker yang berfungsi untuk
mengencangkan dan menjaga kelembaban kulit. Anda pun dapat
mencoba membuat ramuan untuk peeling dan masker sendiri
koq… so, lebih murah dan aman kan….
 Pilih satu olah raga favorit Anda dan lakukan secara teratur 2 –
3 kali seminggu.
Make Up
 Untuk riasan lakukan, trik koreksi wajah. Contoh: lakukan
koreksi untuk menyamarkan bentuk mata yang turun dengan
teknik khusus menggunakan eyeliner dan eyeshadow yang
tepat, untuk menyamarkan noda hitam atau kerutan halus dan
menutupi kantong mata yang mulai nampak, bubuhkan
concealer tipis–tipis.
 Selanjutnya bingkai bibir dengan pensil secara tipis–tipis guna
menyamarkan kerutan halus yang muncul disekitar bibir
kemudian oleskan lipstik secara merata di bibir. Warna-warna
muda atau pastel membuat Anda tampak lebih muda. Hindari
warna coklat, warna tua, dan warna-warna yang sudah
ketinggalan zaman.
 Perhatikan pemerah pipi Anda akan tampak lebih tua bila
mengoles pemerah pipi terlalu ke bawah. Temukan tulang pipi
Anda dan oleskan pemerah pipi di atasnya.
 Begitu usia mencapai 30 tahun ke atas, Anda harus mulai
berhati-hati dalam memakai alis mata. Hindari pemakaian yang
 Untuk menyulap penampilan agar tampak 10 tahun lebih muda…
Caranya amat mudah. Sebelum ritual memulas wajah dengan
rangkaian kosmetik, basuhkan es batu pada wajah anda secara merata selama 10-15 menit, lalu keringkan dengan seksama
menggunakan handuk lembut. Setelahnya, baurkan moisturizer
berbahan dasar air.
Setelah moisturizer meresap dan kulit menjadi terlihat halus,
pilih foundation ringan berbentuk cair (liquid). Foundation cair
lebih tahan lama dan bisa membuat kerutan tersamar
sempurna. Lalu ber-make-up lah seperti biasa. Gunakan warna-
warna yang natural dan sedikit pinkish atau goldie untuk anda
yang berkulit agak gelap. Nah, anda jadi terlihat 10 tahun lebih
muda, kan?
 Pilih warna natural atau pastel agar tampak natural.
Lakukan beberapa hal untuk mempertahankan kecantikan kulit wajah dan
hindari kebiasan buruk yang dapat mempercepat kerusakan kulit seperti:
1. hindari merokok
2. hindari juga minum berkafein
3. jangan tidur terlalu malam
4. minum air putih, minimal 8 gelas per hari
5. perhatikan pula posisi tidur. Hindari posisi tidur yang miring dan
telungkup sepanjang malam.
Untuk mengetahui keteranagan lebih lengkap mengenai bagaimana cara facial
yang tepat, kandungan tiap produk kecantikan yang tepat sesuai kondisi kulit
(berminyak, kering, dan sebagainya), berbagai macam gaya make-up yang
bisa Anda coba, dan lebih dari 150 ramuan tradisional buatan Anda sendiri.

disadur :

Tes Jenis Kulit Mu!
Temukan Kecantikan Kulit Sejati Mu

Pengetahuan tentang apa jenis kulit wajah Anda yang sebenarnya,merupakan satu dasar yang sangat penting dalam kecantikan.Kenapa hal tersebut penting?Hal ini memiliki peran yang sangat penting dan vital dalam perawatan kulitwajah, memilih produk perawatan kulit wajah, dan pemilihan make-up yang tepat.Sebagai contohnya, banyak produk pembersih wajah (susu pembersih) yang memiliki beragam variasi pilihan jenisnya. Ada yang untuk kulit berminyak, kering, normal, dan sebagainya. Setiap jenis pembersih yang berbeda
memiliki kandungan bahan pembuat yang berbeda pula. Kandungannya disesuaikan dengan bahan-bahan apa saja yang bekerja lebih efektif untuk jenis kulit tertentu. Misalnya, Pembersih wajah untuk kulit berminyak menggunakan formula yang bebas minyak (oil free). Nah… bayangkan, apa yang akan terjadi ketika orang
yang salah diagnosa dan menganggap memiliki kulit berminyak menggunakan pembersih yang seperti itu. Akibatnya… kulitnya akan semakin kering. Apakah Anda tahu tidak, kalo kulit kering menjadi salah satu pemicu timbulnya kerutan alias penuaan dini? Ih…. Gak mau kan?! Menjadi kelihatan cepat tua gara-gara salah memakai pembersih… Bukan hanya dalam hal perawatan wajah saja, memilih make-up pun harus
memperhatikan jenis kulit lo… pernahkah Anda melihat orang yang make-up- nya menggumpal-gumpak di wajah atau yang mengkilat, kelihat berminyak sekali. Sehingga orang tersebut tampak belepotan, tidak rapi, dan kelihatan jorok? Kemungkinan… orang tersebut salah memilih make-up. Entah itu untuk pelembabnya, alas bedak atau bahkan keduanya. Mungkin, kulitnya berminyak, lalu memakai krim pelembab dan alas bedak yang berbentuk compact/cake (padat). Padahal, kedua make-up (krim pelembab dan alas
bedak padat tersebut) masuk zona merah bagi kulit berminyak. Karena kedua bahan tersebut banyak mengandung minyak. Nah… itu baru dua “bencana” yang diakibatkan karena salah diagnosa. Contoh
yang saya sebutkan itu adalah contoh yang paling gampang. Dan masih buanyak lagi “bencana” yang bisa ditimbulkannya. Itu baru dari kesalah memilih produk kosmetik saja lo… belum tentang perawatan dan lain
sebaginya. Memang sih… ada sebagian orang yang merasa yakin memiliki kulit dengan suatu jenis tertentu. Karena ciri-ciri fisiknya sangat jelas, seperti kulitnya berminyak sekali, berarti kemungkinan dia memiliki jenis kulit yang berminyak. Tetapi apakah Anda sudah yakin benar? Lalu bagaimana kalo salah?
Masih binging?
Bagi yang masih bingung…. Ikuti saya! Dan bagi yang sudah yakin, gak ada salahnya kan… memastikannya lagi. Sekarang… coba lakukan tes kecil untuk mengetahui bagaimana jenis kulit Anda yang sebenarnya.
Anda siap??

 Pertama, basahi dulu wajah Anda dengan air,
 Diamkan selama 1 sampa 2 jam, tanpa menggunakan produk kecantikan apapun,
 Lanjutkan dengan menekannya pada bagian kening, hidung, dagu, dan pipi menggunakan tisu, n lihat hasilnya… 
Bila tidak ada berkas minyak di kulit, berarti Anda memiliki kulit wajah normal.
  •  Bila permukaan wajah meninggalkan berkas berminyak, berarti Anda memiliki kulit wajah berminyak.
  • Bila terdapat serpihan kulit yang terbawa tisu, berarti Anda memiliki kulit wajah kering. Perlu diingat, bila kulit tetap kering meski telah diberi pelembab, ada kemungkinan kulit mengalami peradangan atau infeksi.Lebih baik konsultasikan pada dokter spesialis kulit.
  • Bila beberapa bagian kulit wajah di daerah T (kening, hidung, dan dagu) terdapat berkas minyak, berarti Anda memiliki kulit wajah kombinasi kering-berminyak.
Bagaimana dengan punya Anda? Semoga tes kecil tersebut bisa memberi pencerahan baru kepada Anda. Selamat mencoba dan temukan kecantikanmu dengan perawatan, produk, dan make-up yang tepat.

disadur :